My trading

Trading as one basis for the WeAreOne project – learn to master the markets.
My trading is the start to enable the financing of this project.

My journey began at the fall of the Berlin Wall when I bought my first shares. In the beginning I celebrated big gains, but in the end I lost everything. I quickly realized that my trading ideas weren’t bad, but my emotions – fear, greed, insecurity – were getting in the way. Books on stock market psychology didn’t help me, so I gave up trading for many years.

Then in 2009 I discovered the MetaTrader trading platform – I was finally able to program my ideas! My software became my main source of income. But with the pandemic, the war in Europe and the chaotic market situation under Trump came ever greater challenges. My automated strategies reached their limits – now human intelligence (HI) was needed again.

So I started trading manually again in November last year. First, I had to get my emotions under control – a process that only works through practice. With a starting capital of only 40 dollars, I began my learning phase. I lost my account three times, but I learned each time. The current development shows that perseverance pays off: 540 % profit in three weeks – details below.

Trading in the flow – a skill that many people can learn
Just as an athlete performs his movements intuitively, trading can also enter a state of flow. You don’t have to be an economic expert – the chart provides all the information you need.
Trading can be learned like a video game: first practise on a demo account, then get started with real capital.

The exchange in a chat group accelerates this learning process. If you stick with it, you can become successful over time.

Absolute beginners who like to play and learn can open an demo-account here and download the Metatrader4 (mt4) platform:
(I don’t have any relation to this company. I just recommend it, as they don’t limit the demo accounts in any way, like many other brokers do.)

Just inform yourself about functions of the mt4 platform (later you can go to mt5 what’s more complicated), then play trading like it was with real money, investing in gold, oil, currencies or stocks. The internet is full of info how to do it. I recommend who ‘invented’ the metatrader trading platform, to inform about trading strategies and more.

Recommendation; download my free tool Support Resistance and study how prices react on the lines the tool draws in the chart. The lines are the base of my trading success.
Please don’t ask me about details, I have no time to give free lessons to beginners.

This should lead to a community of experienced traders of
Social Trading Next Level.

Live trading: follow my trades in real time
I offer investor login data for my trading account – so you can follow my trading in real time on your own platform and discuss it live in the chat.

👉 Free access for trading experts
Anyone who provides proof of their trading expertise (e.g. via a link to a performance overview) receives access free of charge.

👉 For experts without proof
Trial month with learning opportunity
If you can’t provide proof, you can take part for just €10 for a month and qualify by making constructive contributions in the chat. Successful participants then receive free access.

If interested contact me here:
or if you are on bsky follow me @traderheiko in Bluesky,
I’ll follow back and we can chat there.
(The contact of WeAreOne is deactivated, but swarmi and WeAreOne go together.)

👉 If you just want to copy, you can subscribe to my trading signal
For 30 USD/month you can copy my trades directly, see the link below.

➡ Start now – trading is a skill you can master!

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