The current website serves as a description of a potential path forward.
Now that the website has been recently published, anticipating visitors’ reactions is challenging. It remains uncertain whether the suggested initial steps will unfold in a matter of weeks, years or decades. Only time will tell…
If enough donations of money and possibly also of manpower come in so that lawyers can actually be paid soon, they will be contacted. An initial idea is – who, according to their website, are well versed in startup financing, including via token (crypto coins). They have an office in Berlin, which makes personal contact easy.
Of course, we offer to pay them in tokens or shares. If they accept, the imaginary token price should rise like a rocket. If experts like these can imagine the success of and they themselves have a stake in its success, the sky is the limit.
20 years ago I had good experiences with my Just a few months after the launch, committed users emerged as moderators and a lively community emerged. All of this happened without the presence of social media or the incentive of profit. I’m curious to see how things like this work these days.
If really so many people join WeAreOne the content of this page will be transferred to a new content management system (CMS). The high demands that come with having a website with lots of members and features are best met with a Drupal CMS or Typo3 (or perhaps there is an even better solution).
This requires either sufficient donations to pay developers or the willingness of developer members to take on the task in the hope of being paid later through their share of the company.
The latter would be the optimal solution, especially if they are people who can share the vision of the project. It may be that the step towards a better CMS takes place after just a few months, but it can also take years. That depends on all of you, the rest of the world.
After completing the aforementioned steps, the most challenging phase awaits us. Our objective is to amass capital and engage in financial market activities. At an initial stage, this is feasible only through the private accounts of members interested in joining our potential future investment club, as the legal limits to work with other people’s money are high. The next steps are described in the article Investing >>